lawyer search:
attorney's registration and public disciplinary record
ardc individual attorney record of public registration and public disciplinary and disability information as of november 28, 2005 at 12:06:21 pm:
check carefully to be sure that you have selected the correct lawyer. at times, lawyers have similar names. the disciplinary results displayed above include information related to any and all public discipline, court-ordered disability inactive status, reinstatement and restoration dispositions, and pending public proceedings. investigations are confidential and information related to the existence or status of any investigation is not available. for additional information regarding data on this website, contact ardc at (312) 565-2600 or, within illinois, at (800) 826-8625. ardc makes every effort to maintain the currency and accuracy of lawyer search. if you find any typographical errors in the lawyer search information, please email lawyersearch@iardc.org . for substantive changes to registration information, including status, address, telephone or employer information, we require that the attorney submit a change of registration to insure the validity of the registration process. consult our change of attorney's registration page for details. name changes require the filing of a motion with the supreme court. consult our attorney's request for name change page for details.