library critics are 'know nothings'sunday, november 13, 2005 thanks to the web site of the antigay, pro-censorship illinois family institute, i was alerted to the controversy generated by right-wing zealots against the oak lawn library board. that copies of playboy are kept behind the counter for adult circulation only ought to be enough protection for young people to satisfy any reasonable person. but "reasonable" is not a word that comes to mind when speaking of those in this state and nation who want to impose their religious understanding of social morality on everyone. and their agenda goes far beyond banning playboy or same-sex marriage equality. they also seek to take away from women the right to control their own bodies, restrict union rights, destroy affirmative action, curtail immigrant rights, and demonize anyone who dares to question the supposedly god-given authority of u.s. government edicts. the southtown is to be commended for defending the oak lawn library board against this onslaught of modern day "know nothings."
bob schwartz, gay liberation front