playboy a cause of crime on kids, womentuesday, october 4, 2005 naomi miller's remarks on sept. 22 against mark decker and playboy in the library shows the need for both mother and daughter to do research on playboy as a porn magazine rather than its masked literary equivalent. judith reisman, ph.d ., president of the institute for media education , addressed addictive properties of sexually explicit images , commonly called pornography , at a hearing of the u.s. senate committee on science, technology and space, nov. 18, 2004. reisman stated that the latest advances in neuroscience have shown that pornographic visual images imprint and alter the brain, triggering an instant, involuntary, but lasting biochemical memory trail in both "soft-core" and "hard-core" pornography. having spent decades documenting the effects of pornographic "humor" and photos on children, fathers, husbands and wives and communities, reisman gave a report in the 1990s to the u.s. department of justice, office of juvenile justice and delinquency prevention on the "images of children, crime and violence in playboy, penthouse and hustler." the bottom line in all of reisman's work: pornography gets rutted in the brain and becomes an involuntary tool for sexual aggression with increased crime against children and women. the proof of this statement can be seen on police blotters all over our country. porn and crime are linked, and hefner's playboy can be factored into the scenes of missing children and young women seen and read about every day in the news.
nancy czerwiec