the o'reilly factor : "library porn?" - feb 7, 2007: watch this unbelievable interview ! read the "so what" transcript .
look at
committed crimes in schools and public libraries
hundreds of crimes from several years ago
used in
testimony before congress. (both are large because the incidents
are so numerous.)
much of this in unbelievable. well now you can see for yourself why children are unsafe in public libraries. our " see for yourself " page contains investigative news videos where you can watch crimes in progress and more. each having a common thread hidden from view--the ala.
these types of crimes occur regularly in public libraries; usually librarians shrug their shoulders at it. some libraries even have hazmat kits to clean up after men because it happens so often, but they still refuse to use us supreme court-approved internet filters . are ala-influenced librarians following ala-directed policies in your own public libraries? is this what you want? another town, another library, another undercover video , another reason to cry for our children: lewd behavior at public libraries investigated , 10 july 2006, atlanta, ga .
and while they refuse to use constitutionally-approved internet filters to protect children, they seek to impeach president bush for "subverting the constitution of the united states"! what does that have to do with librarianship? talk about out of the mainstream! and the ala is running our libraries with policies of " assuming a leadership role " in providing children with " comprehensive, sex-related materials "?
american library association [ala], the chief organization endangering
children in public libraries, believes
it is "age" discrimination for a librarian to
make a decision about the appropriateness of material for children
on the other hand, the us supreme court said in a case the ala lost in
us v. ala
the interest in protecting young library users from material inappropriate for minors is legitimate, and even compelling, as all members of the court appear to agree.
however, the ala has yet to change its "age" discrimination policy:
despite the 2003 u.s. supreme court ruling on the children's internet protection act (cipa), ... ala policy is unchanged ... because [of the] block[age of] legal information to which users are entitled under the constitution .
using this as an excuse while ignoring the us supreme court, many libraries have unfiltered internet access that attracts criminals who then go on to rape and molest children. it's so bad that communities have to band together to help library crime victims: here's a library crime victim you can help . how can the law help if the ala advises libraries to skirt the law?
an expansion of cipa to protect children from myspace.com! see
us to block minors' access to myspace? republicans
set their sites on social-networking...
, by declan mccullagh, 11 may
2006, about
, the
online predators act
, that would add an additional requirement
to cipa. but weed out the usual media slant when reading this.
we predict the ala leadership will use all its resources to ensure children
remain maximally exposed to its friends, including the pedophiles (and
we have some evidence but need time to get more and write it up).
indeed our prediction was correct. despite
myspace.com being a recruiting ground for child porn stars
and despite
new jersey governor jon corzine's attorney general warning
parents about the dangers of myspace.com
, ala top leadership said,
hr 5319 would squash kids' first attempts at becoming
acquainted with applications that will soon be essential workplace tools
does anyone know of a more out-of-the-mainstream statement justifying
children's exposure to porn and porn movie recruitment activities, at
taxpayer expense, no less? months later, safe libraries was right
again; on july 27, 2006,
the house voted
410-15 for dopa, an extension of cipa, proving just how out-of-the-mainstream
is the ala and proving to the public that they can take back control of
their own school and public libraries from the ala! 410-15!!
the ala is "dismayed"!!!
see "
dopa passes house by wide margin; ala dismayed
library journal
, 28 jul 2006, where the ala president says dopa
is useless because libraries are already required to filter, but the ala
advises libraries not to filter! does the ala really think people
are that gullible?
the ala, continuing to defy public opinion as evidenced by the 415-10 drubbing in the house, is advising libraries how to proliferate the very activities that dopa seeks to limit . worse, the ala, totally unconcerned that pedophiles have access to children, is recommending children get myspace accounts , despite serious safety issues of children having myspace accounts .
for more, please read the toxic american public library: violating children with "harmful matter"; "a clear & present danger ," [also in pdf [544k] and word [461k] format]. here's a sample quote:
playboy's own sex and violence agenda long funded the american library association and its freedom to read ... campaign. such a conflict of interest becomes significant when the ala seeks to bring into our libraries previously prohibited "harmful matter" produced by one of its legal patrons. .... [t]he ala is in direct conflict with the majority of the tax paying public....
the ala pushes inappropriate material on children in public libraries and public schools nationwide by, among other means,
ala librarians ensure children do not have inappropriate materials kept from them. even parents are misled so they won't staunch the flow either. but in the height of absolute gall, blatant in-your-face promotion of inappropriate material for children, ala librarians are guided by ala policy to ensure children have unfettered access to one and only one specific kind of information, namely, "sexual-related materials"! imagine, librarians no less, whose goal is to "assume a leadership role" in ensuring your children get the very material you yourself would not give them! no, not mathematics, not citizenship, not even self esteem, but "sexual-related materials" is singled out by ala policy for direct delivery to children:
ala affirms the right of youth to comprehensive, sex-related ... materials...; affirms the active role of librarians in providing such; and urges librarians and library educators to re-examine existing policies and practices and assume a leadership role in seeing that information is available for children and adolescents ....
also consider the problem with library pornography; modern brain research reveals critical importance of library filters [also in pdf [25k] format], emphasis ours:
[ala] administrators funded by the playboy foundation, turn our public libraries into "dirty book stores" to protect their patron's profits. .... in 1998 there were at least 245 nonconsensual child victims, due to reckless libraries documented in the " dangerous access " report to congress. .... despite the fanciful [ala] hysteria about children's right to "information," most rational americans want pornography filtered from our libraries.
citizens can
act in their own communities to make changes
, but ala
policy directs local libraries to politely ignore local concerns, and
most media sides with the ala. so go over their heads.
& city cipa laws
lists cipa-like laws in various states and towns
and arms people with information they will need to get such laws in their
own states.
our table of state cipa laws
we also
present the use of non-cipa ordinances in library policy to create a similar
effect. have information for us? let us know and we will post
also see our list of state "harmful to minors"
be sure to read the following so that ala propaganda is easily seen for what it is:
for safer libraries
is an example of a citizen's group trying to educate
the public that, in this case,
"the multnomah
county library has put the freedom of porn consumers above the rights
of innocent children."
interestingly, this is the
very library that lost big in
us v. ala
along with the ala. it has been sued in court by
free speech proponents to stop it from informing the public as it sees
fit, especially egregious where the complainant says the alleged false
claims actually enhance his reputation! the education worked and
the man was not elected!
learn from groups like this and use the ballot box to take back control
of your libraries.
read more here
. see
for safer libraries
for the
story of this particular child victim
brading blames minnis campaign for flyer
, 26 aug 2006;
campaign flier: dirty politics or free speech?
26 aug 2006; and
brading sues minnis team over flier
where you can
add your own comments.
here's another example of citizens fighting back. citizens of positive education (c.o.p.e.) and other groups gathered at the coshocton public library , ohio to "rally for library reform." they exposed, so to speak, the public library's purchase of sexually explicit books for children and the mischaracterization of these books as wonderful for children as young as twelve. for example, read the first chapter of sandpiper (warning: oral sex too graphic to be included here). as usual, the claim is made that the book is actually a warning for children and no books should be "banned."
here are citizens fighting back in rochester, ny where cipa filters are already in use, but the library allows people to peruse porn and repeated undercover media investigations showed repeated violations, even resulting in an arrest! for more, see stop library porn .
we could not have said this better ourselves:
every member of the editorial board is a writer, a reader and a lover of libraries. nevertheless, by a narrow margin, the editorial board opposes proposition 81, the california reading and literacy improvement and library construction bond act of 2006.
speaking of local control ... even after six years, it still rankles that our librarians refused and continue to refuse to adopt a policy prohibiting access to pornography by minors on library internet terminals. when every day new incidents reveal the ease with which sexual predators solicit children online, any claims that the library is a safe place for kids ring hollow. the values espoused by the american library association are so divorced from the values of our community that we would seriously consider withdrawing from the joint powers authority and going back to the days of a city library under local control, rather than giving one thin dime to an institution controlled by an organization that believes in "all materials for all patrons regardless of age."
for those reasons, we urge a no vote on proposition 81.
" vote no on prop. 81 ," editorial, gilroy dispatch , 19 may 2006 (emphasis ours).
is the ala admitting it's an effete, undemocratic organization run by elitists? read the editor-in-chief's own words in the ala's own library journal and you decide: democracy in ala--too low a priority on the association agenda , by john n. berry iii, editor-at-large, december 15, 2006.
the ala uses the excuse of " intellectual freedom " for why children should access inappropriate material, why librarians will not cooperate with police tracking sex offenders, why internet filters should not be used, why librarians should be immune from prosecution for providing children with inappropriate material, etc. once again, the truth is revealed, this time in a comment to the above story by a different john berry: "as far a[s the] council goes, a recent talk back pretty much covered ala's activist member mentality. intellectual freedom as long as you think like they think and support what they say. " when we raised this issue on the ala president's blog , she did not respond, but someone basically told us to shut up and go away, exemplifying the hypocrisy of the ala's claim to support intellectual freedom.
and this is supposed to be the organization whom we are to trust for guidance in local public libraries and in drafting library law? look at just one example of the harm done when the ala sends its trained lawyers and lobbyists to write your laws and tie your hands:
posted: 9:38 am est february 4, 2007
lancaster, ohio -- police tried to identify a woman they pulled from an icy river by checking on her library card, but the library would not cooperate, citing a policy set by its board.
the woman, who was treated for unknown injuries, was carrying her library card on a key ring but had no other identification when a passer-by found her in the hocking river on thursday night, police said.
so a dispatcher, then an officer called the fairfield county district library and were told the library could not release the information without a court order. the woman later was identified as sheila springer, 51, by someone at the local hospital where she was taken.
the woman was later taken to grant medical center in columbus, where she would not allow information to be released on friday. the hospital said saturday they had no information on springer. there was no telephone listing for her. police did not know how she got in the river.
the library's board set the policy of withholding information about cardholders, library director marilyn steiner said saturday.
however, steiner said that after being contacted about the police request, she told her staff they could release the information if they were sure the caller was a law enforcement officer and it was "a matter of life or death." steiner said the library was prepared to release the woman's identity about 10 minutes after the first call by police, but was told it was no longer necessary.
copyright 2007 by the associated press. all rights reserved. this material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
source url of "library wouldn't help police identify woman pulled from river": http://www.newsnet5.com/news/10926838/detail.html
read even more damning information here: " librarian refused to id hurt woman; cardholder found struggling in river ," by mary beth lane, the columbia dispatch , feb. 3, 2007. "police are considering referring a complaint of obstruction of official business to the lancaster city prosecutor over library circulation manager laura gibson's refusal to cooperate."
and take part in a conversation on this issue and watch as librarians argue by changing the facts and attacking the messenger: library wouldn't help police identify woman pulled from river -- legislation needs amending .